Mimbres – Mimbres https://mimbresnm.com A site devoted to the artifacts of the ancient Mimbres culture Fri, 18 Aug 2023 22:02:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://mimbresnm.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/SCAN_1_20-1-150x150.png Mimbres – Mimbres https://mimbresnm.com 32 32 How the Mimbres Likely Made Their Pottery – Based On Traditional Processes of Pottery Making https://mimbresnm.com/2023/08/18/how-the-mimbres-likely-made-their-pottery-based-on-traditional-processes-of-pottery-making/ https://mimbresnm.com/2023/08/18/how-the-mimbres-likely-made-their-pottery-based-on-traditional-processes-of-pottery-making/#respond Fri, 18 Aug 2023 20:07:08 +0000 https://mimbresnm.com/?p=1589

Marc Geyer | @geyerma | August 18, 2023 1:00PM

In the ancient Mimbres Valley of southwestern New Mexico, pottery-making was a revered and essential craft that played a significant role in the daily life and cultural expression of the Mimbres people. Creating pottery was a skill passed down through generations, with techniques and knowledge refined over centuries. The process involved gathering natural materials, shaping the clay, decorating the vessels, and firing them to transform raw clay into durable and beautiful pottery. This paper will explore the traditional process of ancient pottery-making in the Mimbres Valley.

Clay Collection:

  • The first step in pottery-making was gathering suitable clay from the local riverbanks or nearby deposits. Mimbres potters sought clay with specific properties, such as fine texture and minimal impurities, to ensure the quality and workability of the clay.

Clay Preparation:

  • Once the clay was collected, it was left to dry in the sun to achieve the desired consistency. Potters would then crush and grind the dry clay into a fine powder using stone tools or manos and metates, which were flat grinding stones.

Clay Mixing:

  • The powdered clay was mixed with water to create a workable clay paste. This process involved careful observation and expertise, as the right amount of water was crucial to achieve the desired consistency for shaping the pottery.

Coiling Technique:

  • The Mimbres potters used the coiling technique, where long coils or ropes of clay were rolled out and stacked on top of one another to form the walls of the vessel. The coils were then smoothed and blended together using fingers or smoothing tools, ensuring a seamless and sturdy construction.

Shaping and Forming:

  • With the base and walls formed, potters used various tools, such as paddles, gourds, or wooden ribs, to shape and refine the vessel’s form. The thickness and symmetry of the walls were carefully adjusted to achieve the desired shape and stability.

Decorative Elements:

  • Decorating pottery was an integral part of Mimbres pottery-making. The Mimbres people were renowned for their intricate and artistic designs, often depicting scenes from nature, animals, and mythical figures. These designs were incised or painted onto the surface of the vessel using natural pigments and brushes made from plant fibers or animal hair.


  • Before firing, the surface of the vessel was meticulously polished using smooth stones or polished stones, giving the pottery a lustrous and smooth finish.


  • Once the pottery was shaped, decorated, and polished, it was left to dry in the sun. Drying was a crucial step to avoid cracking during firing.


  • The final step in pottery-making was firing the vessels to harden and transform the clay into ceramic. The Mimbres people used open firing techniques, where the pottery was placed on a bonfire or in shallow pits, and fuel like wood, dried plants, or animal dung was used to create intense heat. The firing process was a delicate balance, as potters needed to control the temperature and duration to prevent overfiring or underfiring.

Cooling and Finishing:

  • After firing, the pottery was left to cool before it was removed from the firing pit. The cooled pottery was then examined for any defects, and final touch-ups or additions to the decorative elements were made.

The ancient pottery of the Mimbres Valley was not only functional but also served as a canvas for artistic expression and cultural storytelling. The artistry and skill of Mimbres potters are evident in the surviving examples of Mimbres pottery, which continue to captivate modern audiences with their beauty and significance. The ancient tradition of pottery-making in the Mimbres Valley is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the Mimbres people, preserving their cultural heritage through the timeless art of clay.

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The Disappearance of the Mimbres Artistic Pottery Style https://mimbresnm.com/2023/08/18/the-disappearance-of-the-mimbres-artistic-pottery-style/ https://mimbresnm.com/2023/08/18/the-disappearance-of-the-mimbres-artistic-pottery-style/#respond Fri, 18 Aug 2023 17:34:01 +0000 https://mimbresnm.com/?p=1566

Marc Geyer | @geyerma | August 18, 2023 1:00PM

The Southwest has many mysteries. One is the abrupt disappearance of the Mimbres artistic style pottery around A.D. 1100-1150. The beginning of what could be termed “artistic precision” in the designs of Mimbres pottery around A.D. 900 increased in complexity and detail that culminated in decorations that included animal and human figures set in and with elaborate geometric designs typically on the interior of bowls. What changed in the Mimbres area of Southwestern New Mexico? The following represent some potential factors leading to the demise of the Mimbres artistic pottery style.

Environmental Factors:

  • One of the primary factors that might have contributed to the disappearance of the Mimbres artistic pottery style was environmental change. The Southwestern region of North America experienced fluctuations in climate and environmental conditions during the period when the Mimbres culture thrived. These changes could have impacted the availability of resources, such as water and arable land, affecting the Mimbres people’s agricultural practices and overall way of life.

Droughts and changes in weather patterns may have led to crop failures and food shortages, necessitating adjustments in their daily routines and reducing the time available for artistic pursuits like pottery-making. As the environment became more challenging, the focus of the Mimbres people may have shifted from artistic endeavors to survival and adaptation.

Societal Changes:

  • The Mimbres society might have undergone significant changes that influenced the decline of the artistic pottery style. Population pressures, shifts in social dynamics, or the emergence of new political structures could have altered the community’s priorities and resources. Increased competition for resources and the need to concentrate efforts on other aspects of daily life may have limited the time and resources available for the intricate and time-consuming process of creating elaborate pottery designs.

Additionally, the shift in social dynamics may have led to changes in cultural beliefs and traditions, affecting the importance placed on artistic expressions like pottery-making.

Economic Transformations:

  • The economic landscape of the Mimbres people could have undergone transformations that impacted their artistic practices. Trade networks, which were essential for acquiring valuable materials like turquoise and shell, may have changed or diminished during this period. Without access to these resources, the Mimbres people may have faced limitations in their artistic pursuits and had to focus on more practical endeavors.

Moreover, changes in the economy and social organization could have altered the demand for and appreciation of artistic pottery within the Mimbres community. As economic priorities shifted, the production and distribution of artistic pottery may have declined.

Migration and Cultural Interaction:

  • Migration and cultural interaction with neighboring tribes and cultures might have influenced the decline of the Mimbres artistic pottery style. The movement of people and ideas across regions could have led to the adoption of new artistic styles and practices, shifting the focus away from the traditional Mimbres pottery.

As cultures interacted and merged, artistic influences and preferences might have blended, resulting in a gradual decline of the unique Mimbres artistic pottery style.

Sociopolitical Factors:

  • Sociopolitical factors could have played a role in the disappearance of the Mimbres artistic pottery style. Conflicts, territorial disputes, or changes in leadership may have disrupted the stability and continuity of artistic traditions within the Mimbres society.

Changes in power dynamics and sociopolitical structures could have altered the patronage and support for artistic endeavors, leading to a decline in the production of intricate pottery.

Environmental Degradation and Resource Depletion:

  • The intensive pottery-making practices of the Mimbres people, including firing pottery in kilns, might have led to environmental degradation and resource depletion. Over time, the extraction of clay and other materials for pottery-making could have exhausted local resources.

Additionally, the practice of clearing forests for firing kilns could have contributed to deforestation, negatively impacting the local ecosystem and further influencing the availability of resources for pottery production.

Despite the disappearance of the Mimbres artistic pottery style, the legacy of these exceptional ceramics endures in the form of archaeological discoveries, curated collections in museums, and private collections. The unique beauty and cultural significance of Mimbres pottery continue to captivate scholars, art enthusiasts, private collectors, and the wider public, offering valuable insights into the rich artistic heritage and cultural practices of the Mimbres people in Southwestern New Mexico. As we study and celebrate the Mimbres artistic pottery style, we honor the ingenuity and creativity of these ancient artists and gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of their history and the mysteries surrounding their artistic decline.

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