Mimbres Artifact


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Human Face Effigy Jar

From Whence We Came: The Inherent Ancestry of All Cultures and Societies

The tapestry of human history is woven with threads of diversity, each culture and society contributing to the vibrant mosaic of our global heritage. Humanity has flourished in various corners of the world, from vast deserts to lush rainforests, from towering mountains to serene oceans.

The Disappearance of the Mimbres Artistic Pottery Style

The Southwest has many mysteries. One is the abrupt disappearance of the Mimbres artistic style pottery around A.D. 1100-1150. The beginning of what could be termed "artistic precision" in the designs of Mimbres pottery around A.D. 900 increased in complexity and detail that culminated in decorations that included animal and human figures set in and with elaborate geometric designs typically on the interior of bowls.

How the Mimbres Likely Made Their Pottery - Based On Traditional Processes of Pottery Making

In the ancient Mimbres Valley of southwestern New Mexico, pottery-making was a revered and essential craft that played a significant role in the daily life and cultural expression of the Mimbres people. Creating pottery was a skill passed down through generations, with techniques and knowledge refined over centuries.


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